We can help you grow your business with powerful Advertising Solutions or generate high revenue with advanced Monetization tools.

Awesome Features for Our Customers

Geared toward facilitating efficient advertising campaigns and maximizing revenue for both advertisers and publishers.


Advertisers can create single campaign for multiple devices and publishers can monetize their traffic via website or mobile app for every environment.


Advertisers can create Ads and Publishers can monetize traffic for Banners, Video, Native, Push and Popunder Adformats. We can work with all these adformats for Ad Exchanges


Advertisers can create campaigns with CPM, CPC, CPA and CPI bidding model. Publishers can get benefits of all bidding models and we can work with adexchanges on CPM model


We provide dashboard login to our Advertisers, Publisher and Adexchange so that they can view impressions, views, clicks, revenue, expenditure, conversions, etc with ease.


Advertisers can target campaigns according to Browser, Location, Device, IP, Carriers, Traffic Sources, Age, Gender, Keywords and many more


Publishers and Ad exchanges can receive payouts via Local Bank Transfer, Webmoney, Payoneer, Paxum and Skrill.

“We are proud to be a team of dedicated professionals who are passionate about driving results for our clients. Our commitment to creativity, integrity, and customer satisfaction sets us apart in the competitive landscape of advertising. ”



Our Goals

We at Adsaro always focus on meeting the needs of our customers on the following ways.


We help to fullfill the objective of our customers on what they want to accomplish and how we can serve them better


Our reporting system will help you track every stuffs from impression to clicks to coversions so that we can plan to meet goals


We are always upto date with the technology and bring more tools and products for our customers


We plan strategy along with our customers on how to increase more sales, get more traffic, earn more revenue and we implement it.

Join Us Today






Ad Formats


Year of Experience

Whether you’re an advertiser looking to reach new heights with your campaigns or a publisher seeking to maximize your revenue potential, we are here to support you every step of the way

Our clients

Understanding Different Types of Traffic: Organic, Paid, and Direct

Understanding Different Types of Traffic: Organic, Paid, and Direct

In digital marketing, understanding the different types of website traffic is crucial for creating effective strategies and optimizing your campaigns. Here’s a detailed look at organic, paid, and direct traffic, including their definitions, benefits, and how to leverage them.

1. Organic Traffic


Organic traffic refers to visitors who land on your website as a result of unpaid (organic) search results from search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.


  • Driven by SEO efforts.
  • Users find your site through search queries.
  • Often reflects high intent as users actively search for specific information, products, or services.



No direct costs are associated with organic traffic, making it a cost-effective long-term strategy.


High-quality content and SEO can generate consistent traffic over time.

Trust and Credibility:

High-ranking organic results are often perceived as more trustworthy by users.

How to Increase Organic Traffic:

Optimize for SEO:

Focus on on-page and off-page SEO techniques, including keyword optimization, quality content creation, link building, and technical SEO.

Content Marketing:

Create valuable, relevant, and consistent content that addresses your audience’s needs and queries.

User Experience:

Improve site speed, mobile-friendliness, and overall user experience to retain visitors and improve search rankings.

2. Paid Traffic


Paid traffic comes from visitors who click on advertisements that you have paid for. These ads can appear on search engines, social media platforms, display networks, and other websites.


  • Driven by paid advertising campaigns.
  • Includes PPC (pay-per-click), display ads, social media ads, and sponsored content.
  • Can be highly targeted based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and keywords.


Immediate Results:

Paid traffic can generate immediate visits and conversions once the campaign is live.


You can scale up your campaigns based on performance and budget.


Advanced targeting options allow you to reach specific audience segments effectively.

How to Leverage Paid Traffic:

PPC Campaigns:

Use platforms like Google Ads and Bing Ads for search engine marketing. Bid on relevant keywords to appear in sponsored search results.

Social Media Advertising:

Run targeted ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Utilize their detailed audience targeting capabilities.

Display Advertising:

Use banner ads and remarketing campaigns to reach users across various websites and keep your brand top-of-mind.

A/B Testing:

Continuously test and optimize your ad copy, creatives, and targeting to improve performance and ROI.

3. Direct Traffic


Direct traffic consists of visitors who arrive at your website by typing your URL directly into their browser, bookmarking your site, or through saved links.


  • Indicates strong brand recognition and loyalty.
  • Includes visits from offline sources, such as email campaigns, print media, and word-of-mouth.


Brand Loyalty:

High direct traffic often signifies a strong, recognizable brand and a loyal audience.

Repeat Visitors:

Direct traffic includes repeat visitors who are already familiar with your site and offerings.

Offline Campaigns:

It captures traffic from offline marketing efforts, bridging the gap between online and offline activities.

How to Increase Direct Traffic:

Brand Awareness:

Invest in building a strong brand through consistent messaging, quality products/services, and excellent customer experiences.

Offline Marketing:

Use traditional marketing methods such as print ads, TV/radio spots, and events to promote your website.

Email Marketing:

Send regular, value-packed emails to your subscribers, encouraging them to visit your site.

Customer Loyalty Programs:

Implement loyalty programs that incentivize repeat visits and direct access to your website.


Understanding Different Types of Traffic: organic, paid, and direct traffic is essential for developing a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. Each type of traffic offers unique benefits and can be leveraged in different ways to drive growth and achieve your business objectives. By combining SEO efforts, targeted advertising, and strong brand-building activities, you can create a balanced approach that maximizes traffic and conversions from multiple sources.


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